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Our Services

Our mission and passion is supporting Cullen College of Engineering majors navigate their career journey. We also take great pride in building partnerships with employers with a goal of connecting them with UH engineering talent. Our team follows best practices established by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).


  • Career Counseling: We can assist with planning and achieving career goals, review resume and cover letter, as well as, provide interview prep, and much more! Schedule an appointment by emailing ecareers [at]
  • eCONNECTION: Helps navigate the career center | student | employer portal that is only available to Cullen College of Engineering majors. Log in to learn about upcoming professional development events and how to participate!
  • Career Fairs
  • On-Campus and Virtual Recruiting Schedules
  • Networking Events
  • Professional Development Workshops
  • Employer Information Sessions


  • Job Postings: Create your eCONNECTION account, and once approved, post your engineering positions free of charge.
  • Professional Development Workshops: Host a career focused workshop (ex. Resume, interview prep, salary negotiation, networking and more). Email at ecareers [at] if interested.
  • Information Sessions: Schedule a company info session via eCONNECTION.
  • Career Fairs: Register to participate in the Fall or Spring UH Engineering Career Fair via eCONNECTION.
  • Schedule Interviews: Log into your eCONNECTION account to request your preferred date.
  • Resume Books: Contact our team to help you create one.
  • Engineering Student Organizations: Connect with engineering student leaders to identify new talent, brand your company and so much more. Email our team at ecareers [at] for more information.


  • Request the Engineering Career Center present to your class on topics including resume and cover letter development, Career Center services, career planning, and more. Email ecareers [at] to make the request.
  • Include the Engineering Career Center in your syllabus as a resource to your students. Contact us at ecareers [at] to provide a description used by other faculty members.


Please Note: Only available to actively enrolled Cullen College of Engineering Majors. Students who are not actively enrolled for a fall and/or spring semester will lose access to eCONNECTION for that semester. If you are not enrolled for a fall or spring semester due to an internship/co-op, we strongly encourage you to enroll in the Cooperative Education Program to maintain your active status. Graduating students will continue to have access for ONE semester following graduation.

Cullen College of Engineering and Technology Division minors do not have access to eCONNECTION, Cullen College events, or career counseling services at the Engineering Career Center. Cullen College minors should contact University Career Services for assistance with their career development needs.